What is Indoor Air Quality and Why is it Important?

June 20, 2022

Usually, we associate air pollution with the outdoors, but the air inside our home can be polluted as well.

Usually, we associate air pollution with the outdoors, but the air inside our home can be polluted as well. Your home is at risk of mold and pollen, gases like carbon monoxide and radon, pesticides, asbestos, and more. The experts at JTM Plumbing want to keep you safe and breathing better and make sure a small problem doesn’t become a larger one so let’s discuss indoor air quality and why it’s important.

What is Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is the quality of air within and around a building like your home. You may not realize it, but the air inside your house can be hazardous to your health and can be even more polluted than the outside air. So what makes indoor air unhealthy? Here are some pollutants:

  • Asbestos
  • Building and paint products
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Dust mites and dust
  • Water damage and mold
  • Lead
  • Nitrogen dioxide
  • Pet dander
  • Radon
  • Secondhand smoke

Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Some people have immediate reactions to indoor air pollutants than others and every reaction may be different. You may experience home allergies, colds, viral diseases and more. It’s important to pay attention to your symptoms if you are experiencing some as it may be a result of the indoor air pollution. If your symptoms don’t go away, you need to identify the source of bad quality air.

Poor indoor air quality may be due to needing to repair or update your HVAC system. The experts at JTM Plumbing can help determine if your HVAC system needs to be repaired or replaced by scheduling an appointment. To avoid poor indoor air quality, having routine HVAC maintenance can prevent pollutants from being trapped inside your equipment and ductwork.

Another important part of quality indoor air is humidity control. When you neglect HVAC maintenance, this may result in moisture problems which can lead to the growth of mold and mildew. The moisture becomes trapped and will collect inside your equipment. One way to resolve this issue is to change the filters, clean the coils and ducts. This will help those who suffer from allergies and avoid grime build up in your system. If you want to learn more about how JTM Plumbing can help your plumbing and HVAC systems, visit our services page or give us a call at 402-203-6193.

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